Double-Pneumonia cured so immediately that even the Child Specialist was surprised!
Respected Hakim Sahib, Assalam u Alaikum! May Allah bless you and your family with the best reward for spreading goodness among the people, Amen. I was severely ill; the third blow was very beneficial as there is significant relief in my muscle pain. My stomach problems are cured by Johar-Shif-Madina and Sattar Shifaain. I am writing a tip for you. Almost eight to ten years back from now, my daughter was suffering from double pneumonia. We consulted the most renowned child specialist in Rawalpindi. The doctor prescribed syrup and asked us to warm the baby’s feet with a hot iron. My daughter was in severe pain and we were extremely worried. I read a tip somewhere that boil one-kilo flax seed with a quarter of a kg salt in water. Strain it after one to two boils and fill in a pillow cover. Lay the patient upside down and put it on his/her back. It shouldn't be too hot but warm to the extent the patient can bear it. First, I put a blanket on my daughter and then put the warm flaxseed on it. So much water was running through her nose that the whole towel got wet and a tissue box ran out. Don’t foment with a very hot pack. It helped the fluid come out of the lungs through the nose. Her feet became warm; we kept her in the blanket for two hours in a warm room and gradually let her out. The next day we had another medical test and the reports were clear only within a weak, even the doctor was surprised!
(Note) Drain the flax seed well after boiling and then fill in the pillow, it shouldn’t be too hot. (Muneeza Naeem, Rawalpindi)